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Make a complaint

You can make a complaint by:

  • phoning us on 0800 22 33 40 or;
  • clicking here where you will be directed to fill out a form. Someone from our office at UDL will be in touch soon to talk about your complaint.

Once UDL receives your complaint form (electricity, gas, water, telecommunications, or broadband installation (shared property)) we will be in touch to talk about your complaint.

Something else?

If you want to ask us about something else: email or request a call back from our staff.

UDL is committed to delivering a dispute resolution process that meets the needs of all those who seek our help to resolve a complaint. We have partnered with the Tūhono Collective to provide a tikanga-based Māori dispute resolution framework for resolving disputes using Māori beliefs, principles, values and practices that derive from traditional knowledge (mātauranga Māori). Please contact us to further discuss this and how we can assist you.

We can only consider complaints about New Zealand providers who have joined/are to join Utilities Disputes:

Electricity and gas companies / Water companies / Broadband installation companies / Telecommunications companies