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Conciliation conferences

Utilities Disputes uses conciliation conferences as one of the ways of resolving complaints. A conciliation conference is a meeting on the phone or in person with you and the provider. A Utilities Disputes conciliator facilitates the meeting. You may choose to have a support person with you.

UDL is committed to delivering a dispute resolution process that meets the needs of all those who seek our help to resolve a complaint. We have partnered with the Tūhono Collective to provide a tikanga-based Māori dispute resolution framework for resolving disputes using Māori beliefs, principles, values and practices that derive from traditional knowledge (mātauranga Māori).

Please contact us to further discuss this and how we can assist you. 


What you can expect from a conciliation conference

Most conciliation conferences resolve complaints during the meeting or soon after. Here’s the short version of what you can expect:

  • Utilities Disputes arranges a conciliation conference on almost every complaint file
  • Conciliation conferences are not recorded. This enables a full and frank discussion
  • The conciliator assigned to the file independently facilitates the conciliation conference
  • The conciliator negotiates the time and date with you and the provider
  • The conciliator prepares you and the provider for the conciliation conference before the day
  • Conciliation conferences follow a clear process

The steps in the conciliation conference process are:

  1. Conciliator’s opening
  2. Parties presentations
  3. Agenda setting
  4. Issue exploration
  5. Option generating
  6. Negotiation and reality testing
  7. Closing

If you’d like to hear more about conciliation conferences please contact us.