We welcome comments, compliments and complaints to help us improve our services to you.
If you have contacted UDL and completed a complaint process we'd like to hear about your experience. You can email us: communications@udl.co.nz and send us any comments or suggestions you have, such as:
- complimenting us or our staff
- making a formal complaint.
Comments, complaints, compliments
A comment can be made about any service provided by UDL.
A comment is when you state or write an opinion or reaction to something UDL has carried out or written. A comment is also treated confidentially and can help us in how we operate and how we monitor and evaluate our services.
You can email comments to communications.
Have a look at our 'Complaints against UDL' info sheet.
Anyone can make a complaint about the service they have received from UDL, whether you have accessed our service to resolve a complaint against your utility company or are a utility provider.
You can complain about almost any part of our service. For example:
- how long it took to look at your complaint
- the way a team member behaved
- difficulties accessing our service
- the way we processed your complaint.
We cannot consider complaints about the outcome or decision that was issued, such as a recommendation or decision not to consider your complaint further. This is because only the Commissioner can decide what is a fair and reasonable outcome. We also cannot consider complaints against UDL if you have an ongoing complaint against a provider.
We will acknowledge your complaint within five (5) working days and inform you of the process we intend to take to investigate and resolve it.
If we believe it is capable of being investigated and resolved quickly, we will let you know. If we consider it can be resolved quickly, we will endeavour to resolve the complaint within 10 working days of receiving it.
If we believe it will require more time to investigate and resolve your complaint, we will let you know. We will also confirm whether your complaint is being referred to the Board.
We aim to respond to all complaints within 25 working days. If we are unable to respond in that timeframe we will advise you and let you know the reason and an expected completion timeframe. If your complaint is complex or requires additional investigation we will keep you updated while we resolve it. Complaints should be made about the service you received from UDL within three months.
We take all complaints seriously. Accepting and resolving complaints gives us the opportunity to improve the services we provide. Your complaint may prevent the same issue affecting someone else in the future.
You can complain to any team member. If you would prefer, you can address your complaint to the Commissioner or directly to the Board Chair.
Our postal address is found under our contact details, or you can directly email the Commissioner or the UDL Board Chair.
What happens when you make a complaint about UDL.
- UDL will acknowledge your complaint let you know the process we intend to take to investigate and resolve it.
- If we believe your complaint is able to be investigated and resolved quickly, we will let you know and try to resolve the complaint within 10 working days of receiving it.
- If we believe your complaint will require more time to investigate and resolve we will let you know and confirm whether your complaint is being referred to the Board.
Referral to the Board
Your complaint is referred to the Board if we believe it raises a particularly serious issue or it involves the conduct of the Commissioner. We will let you know within seven working days how the Board intends to investigate your complaint. We endeavour to resolve your complaint within 25 working days of receiving it.
All complaints are reported to the Board and are included (anonymously) in the Annual Report.
The Board’s investigation
The Board's investigation may include:
- discussing the complaint with you
- appointing someone who was not previously involved in the complaint to review what happened - this could be a senior team member or an external person if that is considered necessary.
The Board’s decision
The Board will let you know the outcome of any investigation. This will include telling you if any action is to be taken, by whom and when. Outcomes of previous complaints
A compliment can be made about any service provided by UDL.
A compliment is a statement or written expression of praise or admiration that reflects the good service an individual at UDL or that UDL has done.
We believe in encouraging our staff and compliments are an important part of our organisational culture.
You can email compliments to the Commissioner or the Chair of the Board.